7 Foods That Cause Love Handles | Lifespan

7 Foods That Cause Love Handles

6. Processed/baked foods

The rule of the thumb is to drastically reduce the food that comes in a packet or a box. Studies show that processed foods have been refined and stripped of fibers. Fiber is an essential food component that regulates sugar absorption keeping it on the low. When you eat processed foods, your body gets pumped with many calories and sugars. This slows down your metabolic rate while at the same time increasing your cravings for the chocolates, cookies, cakes, and pizzas.

7. Chicken with skin

If you like to eat chicken, go for the skinless chicken breasts to get rid of love handles. Research shows that chicken with skin contains 50 more calories than skinless chicken. Otherwise, there is a growing concern that chicken reared on commercial farms are getting injected with an obese gene that makes them grow big, and reach maturity fast. Chicken at the grocery today contains at least ten times more fat and calories than it used to be.

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